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Promoting love, connection, and self-empowerment in all stages of life.

Laura Rose

Intuitive Channel & Medium

Using my skills as an Intuitive Energy Channel, Medium, and End of Life Doula, it is my mission to promote love, connection, and self-empowerment through supportive spiritual services to individuals in all stages of life.

Services & Offerings

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Spiritual Medium

My virtual spiritual medium service offers a unique opportunity to connect with loved ones in spirit through channeled messages, feelings, and impressions from the other side. 


My intention is that you experience healing and closure as I guide you through this loving journey of communication and understanding with your loved one. 

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1:1 Spiritual Learning

My virtual 1:1 spiritual learning services are designed to guide and transform your personal journey. I will provide personalized support to help you connect with your inner self, achieve greater clarity, and deepen your spiritual practice.


Learning services may include tutorials on pendulum usage, how to do an oracle card reading, best practices for channeling messages, how to connect with your loved ones in spirit, and much more.

Energy Clearing & Balance

My virtual energy clearing and balancing service is designed to help you release energies that are no longer in alignment, and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit.

Because each session is intuitively guided, no two sessions are alike. It is common for my client's Higher Self and Spirit Guides to be an active part of their session and to provide loving support and guidance throughout our time together. 

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End of Life Services

My virtual end of life services, partnered with my skills as a medium and energy channel, provide compassionate support and guidance for you and your loved ones during the final stages of life.


With each session, I focus on enhancing comfort, honoring wishes, and facilitating meaningful connections. My intention is to promote a dignified and peaceful transition to the spirit side.

Community Feedback

I have been following Laura Rose’s wonderful workshops and meditations for almost a year now. They form an integral part of my self-care and self-healing routine. I had been struggling to find my path and my authentic self in a world that has dealt me plenty of emotional injuries. Laura’s caring and loving guidance has been crucial on my journey to discover myself again and learn how best to grow into the person I am meant to be. Thank you for all the practical techniques and the teachings about how to navigate life’s big changes. They have brought me much emotional and mental healing, from which my physical body is also sure to benefit. I could not be more grateful. Thank you, Laura, for all you do!
I “met” Laura via Facebook almost 5 years ago, following the titbits of wisdom she shared, benefitting from what she gleaned in her studies and searches and passed along to her Facebook followers. We met in person a couple of years ago and shared a hike, a lunch and cemented our friendship. Laura is powerfully connected and beautiful healer, and a beautiful person inside and out. I would not be who I am today without her guidance, healing, and caring. Follow her, learn from her, and you will be amazed at your growth.
I had the healing pleasure of doing an intuitive reading and distance energy healing session with Laura. It was absolutely wonderful and extremely healing. I have had lots of different energy healing modalities done and her modality is special because she is tapped into divine love which is the power of all healing. I saw results in my own healing quickly, emotionally and physically. I will definitely be continuing sessions with Laura. I appreciate who you are in the Earth.

Laura Rose's antidotes of relatable life challenges that she has overcome, as well as sharing her personal challenges, establishes a special kinship. You feel heard with Laura. She's fun and goofy, a likeable gal... she exudes a person who is a safe space. She is caring, empathetic, resilient,  vulnerable and respectful. I highly recommend interacting with Laura Rose in whatever scenario you need help or guidance. 

Blurry Lights


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